An important decision to be made! Each available with a huge variety in colours, patterns and abilities! Which one is best?

This is massively subjective; all have their strengths and weaknesses. We will explain the benefits (and perhaps disadvantages) of each of the stones below…





It’s natural! Cut out of the ground in blocks, sliced and polished/leathered/honed! Simple. As a natural material, each block varies in colour or pattern and the uniqueness and variety of pattern make this a spectacular product.

Granite is an extremely hard substance, making it the perfect choice people for whom durability is important.

Granite is more porous than quartz but if sealed properly at fabrication stage it is no more susceptible than quartz.

Placing a granite worktop near a cooker top is not a problem. Due to its heat resistant properties, granite can handle a fair amount of heat. So if you accidentally place a hot pan on your granite worktop, don’t panic, it is unlikely to break, just don’t do it again!

Cleaning granite worktops isn’t complicated. All you need is a PH neutral detergent or simply just use warm water. Using a soft cloth to wipe clean it and drying it well with a chamois leather cloth should be enough to remove any streaks and keep its shiny look.

Granite can be damaged by products that are highly alkaline, so worktop owners should avoid using them at all costs. Even scouring detergents and cleaning products that have strong chlorine content are not recommended for cleaning a granite worktop. Once you buy a granite worktop, aftercare is important get the most out of your investment.





Quartz Worktop




It’s manufactured. Composed of 90 to 93% quartz, aggregates and resin. Mixed in a giant vat, pressed and fired. As the designs are man-made, there is more uniformity across the chosen colour/pattern but there is a massive variety of options.

When compared to granite, quartz is equally durable. Having no natural flaws/cracks, quartz is more robust than granite in both 20 and 30mm.

Quartz is non-porous; simply, if you spill a liquid on it, it won’t stain the stone, making it highly stain resistant. Quartz worktops are heat resistant but placing hot saucepans right out of the oven on the worktop surface is not recommended, nor forgiven…ever. This can result in a deadening of the worktop surface. Worst case, it can lead to thermal shock and fracture. Use a heat pad or trivet to avoid damage!

The quartz worktop is easy to clean and keep looking new. By using a regular soap and some warm water or even a mild detergent, the worktop can look fresh and new. There is no need to buy a special soap for it. However, if required you can use a non-abrasive soap with a non-scratch scrub pad. Cleaning your worktop from time to time helps maintain its radiant gloss and sheen for a long -period of time.

If you choose to buy quartz, never make the mistake of cleaning it with anything that contains methylene chloride or trichloroethane — chemicals found in paint removers. Also, using aggressive cleaners such as dishwashing polishing products should be avoided since they contain high alkaline levels. If the worktop gets exposed to any such product, cleaning it immediately with water should stop it from getting damaged.




What’s that? Composed of natural, recyclable ingredients, such as sand, clay and quartz! There are many brands that all perform in the same way…Dekton, X Tone, Lapitec to name a few.

Sintered Stone is created by crushing the raw materials under intense pressure and then baking in a kiln in extreme temperatures of around 1200 degrees. It’s a bionic material, suitable for inside and out, on the worktop or floor, for a barbecue worktop or shower panels! It’s as happy to have a frozen chicken or fiery pan put on its surface. There is massive variety of texture, colour and pattern and available in a variety of thicknesses some of the other materials don’t come in.

Though this really is the hulk of the three, there are a couple of things you need to know.

Slabs with printed designs and textures do not extend through the stone. This means that the edge will not have a pattern running through it. This is a design feature in its own right, some love it, some don’t.

Sintered stone does damage if exposed to impact, particularly on edges, though so will all the others! The other two may need a slightly heavier impact and are easier to repair than sintered stone.

The nitty gritty is that it is more expensive that quartz and granite on the whole. This boils down to production costs and specialised tooling that is required to cut it.

There you have it! Hopefully this has helped a little and made your choice easier.



Sintered Stone


Marble Worktop




This is the hard one! Practically, it is the least suitable of the stones for kitchens but it is so, so beautiful!

Marble's natural veining and patterns create a unique and attractive look, making each piece one-of-a-kind. It is naturally heat-resistant but also stays cool enough to make great pastry. The unique nature of each slab makes it such a pretty choice. It is timeless, elegant and a really individual choice. We love it but I’m afraid we are going to have to give us all the information, positives and negatives!

Marble is a porous stone, making it susceptible to stains and etching from acidic substances like lemon juice, vinegar, or tomato sauce. Sealing the marble can help to some extent, but regular maintenance is required. But it’s so pretty! We could have said , over time, marble develops a natural patina that enhances its beauty. Some people appreciate the charm and character that come with the aging process. Like a fine wine.

Marble requires regular sealing and careful maintenance to prevent staining and damage. It is softer than some other countertop materials like granite or quartz, so it can scratch or chip more easily. Sintered stone and quartz mimic the style of marble because of its beauty.

Ultimately, the decision to use marble for kitchen worktops depends on your preferences, lifestyle, and willingness to maintain and care for it properly. If you love the look of marble and are willing to put in the effort to maintain it, it can be an excellent choice for your kitchen. However, if you prefer a lower-maintenance option with better durability, you might consider alternatives like granite or engineered quartz.




The table below gives a quick insight into the key properties of the different materials.